Contact Supervision

We know going through any form of separation is often a difficult time, significantly when children and young people are affected; at Imperative Support Care Agency, we step in to ensure you are not alone.

We promote contact between the child and parents, siblings, anyone with Parental Responsibility who is not a parent, any relative, friend or other persons connected with the child unless it is not reasonably practicable or consistent with the child’s welfare. We endeavour constantly to mitigate risk during such contacts. We ensure the child or young people’s well-being, in terms of their physical and emotional safety, is protected.

contact supervision

Where a court order has been imposed, our support workers are well-trained to advise, assist, and befriend the child or young person, engage them in certain activities, and report back to the appropriate authorities as necessary.

Our organisation is vast and supervises using various models, including open-door or ad hoc supervision, one-to-one supervision, group supervision, and a cascade of models relevant to the circumstances and context.

We will go the extra mile to provide report writing (for court), transport facilitation, and risk assessment around contact.

At Imperative Support Care Agency, we believe in empowering young people and families to attain independence in their everyday lives.

The level of support tailored to the individual’s assessed needs could range from short-term to long-term.

We recognise that for young people who live independently, it is essential to consider their emotional well-being and offer support to prevent and minimise the risks of loneliness, isolation, or mental health issues. Therefore, we aim to support young people and families in developing safe and healthy social networks and social inclusion and signpost them to relevant community resources. 

Our empowerment package also includes:

  • Mentoring
  • Community activities
  • Advocacy services
  • Appropriate adult support
  • Support in meetings
  • Befriending
  • Budgeting
  • Education/Employability support
  • Welfare Support